The basic shapes and ways to deal with psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis in the hands is not yet fully understood disease. Pharmaceutical industry created means 100% efficiency to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. This files most often diagnosed psoriasis on my fingers. This disease is not considered deadly, but advanced forms that a lot of unpleasant symptoms to the patient. The disease can cause complications such as psoriatic arthritis and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is necessary to know how and what to treat psoriasis of the hands of the first signs.


The type of the disease

The disease manifests itself in different symptomatic pattern depending on the shape of the disease and localization of lesions. To identify the disease, it is important to know what distinguishes one form from another.

Psoriasis of the finger. When the disease affected areas appear small scale. The development of problems in these areas become inflamed. Symptomatic picture is exacerbated in the autumn-winter period, when the human body lacks vitamins and minerals.

Losing his hand. This form is diagnosed in 25% of cases. Typical symptoms of psoriasis on hands – the roughness of the skin, the appearance of stains on their appearance is similar to corn. Lesions are very itchy, causing the patient discomfort.

Psoriasis on the palms. Risk factors for the disease are people who regularly experience physical activity. The first signs of the problem manifested in small patches covered with silvery bark. Later, a small psoriatic papules become larger. Without treatment the rash striking the lateral surface of the palms. Psoriasis, which occurs on the palms, accompanied by regular itching which eventually cause sleep disorders and nervousness of the patient.

Artropaticheskiy type of problem – the most serious form of the disease, which affects the joints. In the early stages of the development of the disease affects the bone structure, and then in the pathological process of the larger joints. Characteristic symptom of this type of disease – pain in the bones, with no abnormal spots on the skin.

Pustuleznyy psoriasis. The disease develops on the background of infectious diseases, severe emotional stress or hormonal failure in the body. Rashes look like small ulcers with clear boundaries. Most often, the rash is located in the area between the thumb and the little finger. This patient does not have General poor health.

Psoriaticheskaya eritrodermiya. Pathology occurs in the background of the most common forms of the disease, when exposed to irritants. The difference between this type of problem than the other is, that the rash spread throughout the body. eritrodermiya occurs on the background of a sharp deterioration and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Psoriasis is not contagious through casual contact. So the fear of infection from a sick person is not worth it.

Causes and symptoms

The mechanism of development of psoriasis is still not fully understood. Doctors refer to a number of reasons, such as infection and predisposing disease factors. One of the class experts attribute the pathology of autoimmune disorders in the body, other hereditary forms of diseases and disorders functioning of the nervous system.

Among the causes of psoriasis are also noted:

  • poisoning;
  • the weakening of the protective forces of the organism;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • often a stressful situation;
  • allergies;
  • changed the pathology of viral, fungal or bacterial origin;
  • changing climate-regions;
  • long-term use of certain groups of drugs – antibiotics, beta-blockers, antidepressants.

Predisposing factor for the occurrence of psoriasis on the hands is excessive hygiene. Cosmetics and washcloths deprive the skin's natural protection and cause injuries to its surface.

Its development problem has 4 stages:

  • In the early stages. The disease manifests itself in small spots on the hands. Papules have sharp outlines and smooth surface. Psoriasis in the initial stage is similar to the vulgar warts on the hands. A few days the rash will grow and start to peel off. The early development of the pathology the papules are localized between the fingers, and then spread to other areas.
  • The advancing step. It should be noted that the appearance of new lesions on the skin. Places become more vivid. The main reason for the appearance of this phase of the problem – the minor damage to the skin.
  • Stationary phase. The period is characterized by a decrease in the clinical picture of the disease – prevent skin peeling, rashes, and bluish shades.
  • Regressivnaya stage. The main symptoms of period, no peeling skin, resorption of pimples.

In the picture you can see what it looks like psoriasis at every stage of development. If you suspect a problem, it is important to immediately contact an expert and do not self-medicate. Recognize this question also allows the characteristic signs of psoriasis:

  • increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • thickening of the skin surface;
  • cracking efflorescence;
  • the appearance of calluses elements in the middle of the plaque;
  • by combining the individual papules Usually damage.

The defeat of the nail symptoms vary psoriasis on the hands. The characteristics of the type of disease – the thickening of the disk bundle. The nail color will change, and their season can be considered rash, framed by a bright red rim.

Patients mix, psoriasis, eczema hands, even if it is a completely different skin disorders. The main difference diseases is that the eczema lesions are unclear, and this disease the lesions are clear boundaries.

Methods of treatment


Treatment of psoriasis on the hands should be under the supervision of a dermatologist.

The lack of symptoms for a long time does not mean a full recovery. Experts believe that the correct pathology of the end does not work, however, you can achieve long-term remission.

Treatment of psoriasis on hand includes:

  • the use of drugs local action (ointments, creams, balms);
  • oral medications;
  • physiotherapy.

Many patients are wondering – how to treat psoriatic arthritis. The system treatment of this type of problem looks the same as other psoriasis.

Local treatment

To relieve the symptomatic image, use the following ointment for psoriasis:

  • Hormonal. The main impact of the use of funds – reduce inflammation, pain and itching.
  • Non-hormonal. Drugs to mitigate the symptoms of the disease, without causing side effects, so they can be used in the treatment of psoriasis in children.
  • Homeopathic. Prescribed problems, accompanied by severe peeling of the skin. Medication especially effective for damaged joints.

Preparations common actions

Drug suppression of symptoms is carried out using:

  • Antihistamines.
  • B-vitamins a, C and E.
  • And psychostimulants.
  • Immunomodulators.

How to treat psoriasis of the hands in a particular case, is determined by the expert. Doctor combine drugs like this to achieve the best outcome of their application.

Physical therapy for psoriasis

Physical therapy is prescribed for all sorts of problems. The method can be used to reduce the exacerbation of symptoms, prevents the development of as a result. To ease symptoms the patients usually prescribed:

  • cryotherapy;
  • UV-irradiation;
  • girudoterapiya;
  • laser treatment;
  • radon baths;
  • with the application of paraffin;
  • electro buy;
  • PUVA-therapy

Laser therapy promotes rapid regeneration of damaged skin. Treatments are performed under the supervision of the attending physician, which regulates the depth of penetration of the beam. The technique provides the effect also in the advanced stages of the disease.

PUVA-therapy combined with 2 methods of influence on the affected areas to uv irradiation and fotosensibilizatory. One way to improve the therapeutic outcome of another. Achieve visible results will be 20-25 sessions of PUVA treatment.

The main core of cold therapy – the effect of the damaged areas at low temperatures. The method is used to reduce the plaques of the arms and lengthening the period of remission of the disease. Cold therapy is recommended for patients with recurrent exacerbations of psoriasis.

Prevention and people's councils

Psoriasis of the hands occur more often than in other parts of the body. In order to avoid recurrence of symptoms should follow the preventive rules:

  • do household chores with rubber gloves;
  • use a moisturizing cream for the hands;
  • avoid contact with means that aggressive chemicals;
  • consult a dermatologist at the first signs of psoriasis;
  • give up alcohol and Smoking;
  • exclude from the menu fried and fatty meals.

To achieve long-term remission of the pathology is possible with the help of folk remedies of psoriasis. The main advantage of such treatment is minimal risk of side effects. Therefore, traditional recipes can be used to combat the problem of children and women situation.

You should list of the most popular recipes alternative medicine for psoriasis on the hands:

  • Herbal infusion of the mouth: equal quantities mixed with nettle leaves, cranberries, calendula, and horsetail. Herbal ingredients, fill with water (500 ml), mixed with 1 tbsp. honey. Before beginning such treatment to ensure no Allergy to honey.
  • Herbal bath. Based on st. john's wort, succession and chistotela to prepare the bath: a handful of each of the vegetable ingredients in a saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. The mixture boil on low heat for about 30 minutes, and then insist to cool. Hand dipped in herbal decoction for 20 to 25 minutes, and then dried them without a towel.
  • Ointment on the basis of birch tar is an effective way to deal with ladonna-podoshvennyy type pathology at home. The medicine is prepared by the following recipe: a small amount of the substance is filled with oil. The ointment is applied to the memory tile an unlimited number of times.

Although all the rules of prevention, does not work, forget what it looks like psoriasis. All methods of treatment – medication, folk and physical therapy gave only temporary relief. The following rules for the prevention and properly formatted schema therapy depends on the duration of remission problem.

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User reviews of the treatment

Light, Moscow: Psoriasis on hands – the disease is incurable. At times it has been replaced by periods of exacerbation and remission. The deterioration of the skin, especially after stress, and consumption of grilled or smoked foods. Hormonal drugs are effective but, unfortunately, not for long. Ointment relieves symptoms of the disease long-term and regular use. By combining drug treatment with the ointment, diet and mental peace of mind, you can prolong the remission of the problem.

Tamara, Nizhniy Novgorod: to Cure psoriasis of the hands helps the following recipe: raw egg protein is rubbed into the injury several times a day. When using this tool, a few days can increase itching and burning so the local treatment of the affected areas of the better together anti-histamine. Treatment also Supplement medicines containing calcium and D3. Visible results can be felt after 2-week regimen.

Anatoly, Samara: to Prevent the recurrence of psoriasis on the hands help simple rules:

  • A complete rejection of alcoholic drinks, spices and sweets.
  • Regular intake of enterosorbentov 2-3 times a day.
  • Ingestion of fish oil: 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  • A full night's sleep.
  • Treatment of damaged areas is not a hormone therapy
  • Wash your hands with soap, which contains tar.
  • Use a moisturizing hand cream.

It should be noted that such events do not allow time to be the manifestation of acute symptoms.